Hans -Jürgen Müller
Electrical Engineer
German Patent Attorney European Patent and Trademark Attorney (retired)
Of Counsel

2007 Counsel of the law firm Müller Schupfner & Partner
1981 Senior partner of the law firm Müller, Schupfner & Gauger, now Müller Schupfner & Partner
1968 Partner in the patent law firm Poschenrieder, Boettner and Müller
1964 Patent attorney in the patent department of Siemens AG
1964 Admission as patent attorney
1959 Studies in electrical engineering at the Technical Universities of Stuttgart and Munich
Hans-Jürgen Müller has many years of experience in all areas of intellectual property law. He advises clients in building up their intellectual property portfolio, filing and defending patents, as well as in trademark application and opposition proceedings.
Hans-Jürgen Müller is a former member of the European Patent Committee for the preparation of the European Patent System and of the Board of the German Patent Attorneys’ Association, as well as a long-standing member of the Examining Board for Patent Attorneys at the German Patent and Trademark Office. He also held positions as honorary judge at the Munich District Court, delegate of the Chamber of Patent Attorneys in the international chamber organization CNIPA, and is a former member of the ECTA Council.
Technical Areas
- Electronic components
- Semiconductors and metallurgical materials
- Packaging, printing and rubber industries
- Electronic control and regulation
- High frequency absorbers
Legal Expertise
- Drafting applications for patent, utility model and design applications
- Prosecution
- Opposition and revocation proceedings; patent and design infringement proceedings
„Disclaimer – eine Hilfe für den Erfinder”
H.-J. Müller, GRUR 1987, S. 484 – 489
„Patente und Warenzeichen als Lizenzgrundlage für Joint-Ventures in China”
H.-J. Müller, Maschinenmarkt Würzburg 1986, S. 74 – 77
„Internationaler Markenschutz mehrsprachig”
H.-J. Müller, GRUR Int. 1984, S. 669 – 672
„Novellierter Gebrauchsmusterschutz”
H.-J. Müller, GRUR 1979, S. 453 – 455
Beziehungen zwischen Zeichen und Ware/Dienstleistung nach dem „Benutzungszwang”
H.-J. Müller, Mitteilungen der deutscher Patentanwälte 1979, S.109 – 112
„Sind Lagebezeichnungen für Warenzeichen tabu?”
H.-J. Müller, GRUR 1978, S. 154 – 156
„Die Patentanwaltsprüfung”
H.-J. Müller, Mitteilungen der deutschen Patentanwälte 1976, S. 81 – 95
„Die patentrechtliche Offenbarung und die nicht genannte Aufgabe”
H.-J. Müller, Mitteilungen der deutschen Patentanwälte 1974, S. 81 – 91
„The Protection and the Exploitation of Invention in Germany and Europe”
H.-J. Müller, Patent Law Review 1973, P. 379 – 385, Clark Boardman, New York
„Zum Neuheitsbegriff bei Legierungserfindungen”
H.-J. Müller, GRUR 1972, S. 464 – 467
„Die begleitende Marke nach der DOLAN-Entscheidung”
H.-J. Müller, Mitteilungen der deutschen Patentanwälte 1970, S. 224 – 226