Georg U. Schupfner
Chemist ∙ Dr. rer. nat.
German Patent Attorney
European Patent and Trademark Attorney
Managing Partner

1998 Partner of Müller Schupfner & Partner
1998 Admission as European Patent Attorney
1997 Admission as professional representative before the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO)
1997 Admission as German Patent Attorney
1995 Ph.D. with with first class honors on the topic homogenious Ziegler-Natta-Catalysis and propene polymerisation in the research group of Prof. Dr. W. Kaminsky at University Hamburg
1989 Diploma -after studying chemistry at the University of Hamburg and at the University of Southampton, GB
Georg U. Schupfner is Managing Partner of MSP in Hamburg and Patent and Trademark Attorney since 1997. He advises and coordinates worldwide protection of inventions of large multinational companies with research centers around the globe as well as individual inventors. He has a renowned expertise in worldwide opposition and nullity proceedings.
After completing his chemistry studies with a doctorate degree „summa cum laude” and studies in law for patent attorneys, he was admitted to practice as a German Patent and Trademark Attorney in 1997. Following internships in patent law firms in New York City and Houston he was admitted as European Patent Attorney in 1998.
Awards and Recognitions
Named consecutively in:
Best Lawyers in Germany and „Handelsblatt Germanies Best Attorneys”, each for Intellectual Property, since 2021, recently 2024;
Multiple times addressee of the award:
„Patent Opposition Law Firm of the Year in Germany”, since 2021, recently 2024;
The Lawyer Network 2021, Corporate Intl 2020+2019, Acquisition Int. 2019;
Germany’s Leading Chemical Patent Attorney of the Year, Leading Adviser Awards, 2019
Technical Expertise
- Polymer chemistry
- Catalysis
- Organic chemistry
- Inorganics
- Lubricant technology
- Life sciences
- Chemical engineering
- Advanced marialies and nanotechnology
- Materials science
- Medical engineering
- Pharmaceuticals
- Petroleum engineering
- 3-D printing
- Surfactant chemistry
- 3-D imaging and AR
- Packaging technology
- Plastics engineering
Legal Expertise
Opposition and appeal proceedings before the German and European Patent Office, supervision of examination proceedings worldwide, nullity actions, infringement proceedings, employee invention law, design law, licensing and research cooperation agreements, advice on patent portfolio development and M&A IP.
- AIPPI – International Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property
- EPI – European Patent Institute
- FICPI – Fédération Internationale des Conseils en Propriété Intellectuelle
- GDCh – Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker
- GRUR – Gewerblicher Rechtsschutz und Urheberrecht
- INTA – International Trademark Association
- LES – Licensing Executives Society
- VPP – Vereinigung von Fachleuten des Gewerblichen Rechtsschutzes
- BVMW – Bundesverband mittelständische Wirtschaft, Unternehmerverband Deutschlands
„Defined Synthesis of Copolymers using Metallocene Catalysis”
W. Kaminsky, G.U. Schupfner, Macromol. Symp., 177 (2002) 61-69
„Comparison of different metallocenes for olefin polymerisation”
M. Arndt, W. Kaminsky, G.U. Schupfner, in ”Proceedings, Metallocenes”, 1995, Bruxelles.
„Microstructure of polypropene samples produced with different homogenous bridged indenyl zirconium catalysts. Clues on the structure and reactivity relation”
G.U. Schupfner; W. Kaminsky, Mol. Catalysis A: Chemical 102 (1995) 59-65
„Synthese von, Propen-Polymerisation und Kraftfeldrechnungen mit ansa-Bis(indenyl)zirconocen-Katalysatoren”
G.U. Schupfner, Verlag Shaker, Aachen 1995, ISBN 3-8265-0880-7
„Crystal structure & propene polymerization characteristics of bridged zirconocene catalysts”
W. Kaminsky, O. Rabe, A.M. Schauwienold, G.U. Schupfner, J. Hanss, J. Kopf, J. Organomet. Chem., 497, 7 (1995) 181 – 193
„Liquid / solid phase extraction of water samples used for toxicity testing in the German Bight.”
J.-C Bening., L. Karbe, G.U. Schupfner, Mar.Ecol.Prog.Ser. 91:233-236 (1992)